AHFO's services since March 2020
- Weekly food parcels for elderly and families who had to shield due to Covid-19 or those who was on low incomes or job losses (The food parcels stopped end of August 2020, due to shielding ending, if a national or local lock down happens once again, we will then look into starting these up once again)
- Weekly virtual health and well being classes (AHFO's main focus going forward during Covid-19 will be the health and well being of Elderly, Adults and Children. We have all been effected by what has happened and keeping our health and mind as healthy as possible will help thousands if not millions be able to deal with the effects of Covid-19)
- Monthly Children activity packs (These will continue to support children through these times)
- Weekly childrens grow your own food parcels (This was a summer project and are currently looking at continuing this going foward)
- Phone line for Elderly living in isolation (This was operational from March 2020 to September 2020 to help elderly who are living in isolation, we will be restarting this once again in October 2020)
March 2020- September 2020 - With the support of volunteers, business and individual donations AHFO's has been able to support the following
- People supported with food parcel 6680
- Volunteer have dropped of 1670 food parcels
- AHFO's has supported the local economy and businesses with £33,400 purchasing fresh fruit, fresh meats and groceries (Including home made bead and cakes)
- Monthly childrens activity packs was provided to 480 children (saving families £2,400)
- Phone line for elderly living in isolation, AHFO's volunteers gave 1,320 hours supporting elderly
- Summer health and Well Being Classes for Elderly, Adults and Children where 240 hours of acts of kindness was provided by skilled volunteers. Supporting families with their health and well being and saving families £1,200
- Summer grow your own vegetables we was able to offer 180 children the chance to see how easy, healthy and efficient it is to grow your own vegetables.
AHFO's would not have been able to have support our communities without the support of volunteers, business and individuals who have either offered their time or have donated financially to support us in supporting others. We and our beneficiaries cannot THANK YOU all enough from the bottom of our hearts.
Sept 2020 and going forward if you would like to support us with either
- An hour of your skilled time to be added to AHFO's health and well being timetable
- Volunteers supporting with driving
- Volunteers offering time to speak to elderly living in isolation
- Skilled volunteers to be added to our database for future projects from Construction, Health and Well Being, Businesses and individuals signing up to support community groups with our Unity in the Community Days
- Individuals or businesses who have donations for our Act Of Kindness services - This could be hotels stays, caravan stays, theatre tickets, football tickets, clothes donation anything that you feel could bring happiness to those who are going through a tough time for many reasons
- Businesses who would like to support AHFO's to help others, with either their staff, Weekly/Monthly/Annual donation, materials, furniture or other
- Monthly Lottery - if you would like to join this it is £5.00 per number with a chance of winning £500 per month
- If you would also like to refer yourself or someone you know to access our services
Please go to our get involved page and fill in the relevant form which are as follows
Form 1 - Volunteer form - points 1 to 5 above
Form 2 - Referral form - points 8 above
Form 3 - Business sponsorship, partnership form - point 6 above
Form 4 - Lottery form - point 8 above
Together we are strong