AHFO Christmas Party is here again and as always we have the best in the City Angels & Scallies here to start the festivities off with a bang!! A party full of fun, games, and the best entertainment by far! 657-659 West Derby Rd, L13 8AG from 4pm - 6pm 

Tickets are limited and our children's group members will take first priority. Any children from younger groups must have 1 adult with them. Ho Ho Ho Ho let's gooooooo!!!!!!

Book tickets

You cannot book tickets for past events.

An Hour for Others is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1180688 City Centre Office - 615b Cotton Exchange, Bixteth Street, Liverpool L3 9LQ Community Hub - 657-659 West Derby Rd, Liverpool L13 8AG (Near to Tuebrook roundabout) Tel - 0151 245 8282
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